Friday, August 22, 2008

The Big Start

Ok, so I finally did it. I started a blog about couponing. We will see how this work in progress goes as we go along this road. The plan is to post the deals I see in the local area for a while and see if I can attach coupon sites and links so we can all enjoy them together. I can use any help and advice you plan to send me, ok? I plan to look at this the way I look at life in general.... we are all in this together.... so it's best if we can help each other out. Although I see couponing as a game (how much stuff can I walk out of the store with by using the least amount of money out of my pocket!) And I seem to collect coupons like they will be extinct in the near future. My family laughs and rolls their eyes at me as we watch tv and I loudly say as we watch the ads "I have a coupon for that!" They have come to expect the UPS boxes full of samples, the free cereal bowls and Uncle Ben's rice, the "but it was free" mentality when trying something new. And for that, I am grateful. So, help me out so I can try to help you out, ok? Thanks! And all this because of one couponing trip with some friends! Who knew?! But thanks, Brooke. I owe you one.

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