Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Freebies/ Coupons and Giveaways

Here are some free samples from Wal-Mart and John Frieda: http://instoresnow.walmart.com/enhancedrendercontent_ektid50150.aspx

And a freebie from Wal-Mart and Gain:

Here is a free subscription to Parents Magazine (act quickly on this one):

Free (or at least very cheap) chocolate:
There is a Walgreens coupon in the Easysaver catalog for $3 off two bars of Herbert's chocolate. These are usually priced $1.99 each but some people have been finding them priced at their store 2/$3. If you find them at that price at your store use the ES coupon and get them FREE. Otherwise, you'll pay $0.49/bar.

Free posters giveaway (beautiful and patriotic) are here - go see!

Here is a Burt's Bees Giveaway (check it out):

Here is a Makeup Brushes giveaway - (Visit the site and look around):

Here's a coupon for Sunsilk
(I found some on the Target clearance racks last week and got it for free!!) :

Here's a link for Airborne that includes a coupon:

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