Monday, September 29, 2008

Keeping spending low

All*You Magazine's October issue is out at Wal-Mart now to mixed couponer reviews, apparently due to the coupons this month being a little more sparse than last month. I love the mag, myself. In this month's issue (the cover has cupcakes with candy spiders on it) they give a few tips to save money. (Check page 145.) They suggest: giving yourself an "allowance" by giving yourself a set limit you can spend each week and when you stay under that, reward yourself a bit. Carrying minimal amounts of cash, so you aren't tempted to buy on impulse. Using gift cards for necessities, instead of cash if you prefer, so that impulse buys will also be kept low. Ditching your credit card because they lead to overspending and large fees. Dave Ramsey (the financial guru so many of us like) suggests using cash for purchases because actually seeing it leave your hands makes it harder to spend. My personal suggestion is to plan trips to the store wisely, having a list and knowing pretty exactly what you are shopping for. Money Saving Mom (Crystal) also suggested that you limit your shopping trips to once a week as it cuts down on spending. I have found that to be valuable advice. Let me know your saving strategies! We can always use tips on this! Happy saving!

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