Saturday, September 13, 2008

Help for new couponers

I have had a lot of people ask me questions recently, and I thought I would share my answers with all of you. Let me know your thoughts! I always love to hear your comments!

You are so organized! but, doesn't that take you a lot of time every week?
I don't have that kind of time.
I have to admit, that statement always makes me laugh - "so organized"... I often feel I am probably the least organized person in America. But, as for couponing taking time well yes, it does. But you know, I look at this as a part time job that earns money for my family. I personally feel if we have to spend all the time we do making the money in the first place, we ought to be able to keep as much of it as we can! (We both work outside the home.) It may take me time, but going into a store and coming out with 5 bags of things my family needs and uses, knowing I only spent $4.15 of my hard earned money feels really worth it to me! I do spend several hours each week, clipping, printing and organizing the coupons into piles to put into my binder, as well as spending a good hour perusing the Sunday Ads to find the best place to save money on the things we need. (It also takes time to post them on here, to hopefully help you save money too, so please feel free to comment on what is/ is not helpful!) I found that getting originally organized was a bit of a bear but after that, not so bad. I have taught my kids how exactly I like my printed coupons cut, and we use the time to talk while they help me cut them out. I also came up with a poster board that is divided into the same categories as my coupon binder, so I can cut, place them on the appropriate square on the poster board, and them just put them in my binder. (A lot less time!) So, overall it may take me some time to do this, but it sure is nice to know the money that took me all week to earn is at least going as far as I can stretch it!

Do you seriously carry that thing around with you all over the place? (Binder)
Yes, I do. Much to my husband's dismay. He isn't the couponaholic that I am yet, although he loves the money we save when we use it. It's amazed me the deals I have found just having it with me (thankfully). And it has made me feel awful the deals I had to pass by when I didn't! Having my binder with me makes me feel 'prepared'. However, I try to only go shopping once a week if I can help it because I think you really save yourself a lot more money by limiting your shopping trips to once per week. I do have to admit though, I feel a little naked without my coupon binder! Tee hee!

Don't you feel poor using coupons?
Nope, not at all. Statistics show that the people who use coupons and couponing systems the most are upper middle-class women/ men with a high education level (college or higher). I have to admit, when I first thought about using coupons - before I researched anything about it, I thought people would look down on me...but the truth of the matter is, a lot of people tell me they admire me for it, and have often given me good suggestions, or told me about their own couponing experiences! These are nice, educated, smart people (both women and men!) and I am proud to be in their company! (People like you!) I often hand out coupons I know I will not use to people who are looking at that item. I have never once been told "No, thanks." People like coupons. They like holding on to their own money. Especially now it seems, with the economy the way it is.

I don't really want to use coupons because
I am afraid I will buy things I don't really want or need.
Rookie mistake, really. When people first start using coupons, alot of time they will buy things that aren't real good deals just because they have a coupon they either got from the Sunday paper they paid for or because they printed it off the internet, which they also felt they had 'paid for' because they used the ink from their printer. We all feel that way at first. It's real hard in the beginning to just let some of them expire. But you need to..... wait for the good deals, then use them! There are always deals out there....wait for a good sale or a clearance rack even, and then use it. If it expires and you didn't get a chance to use it, so what! Some coupons really aren't that useful. If you miss a deal, don't stress. Another one will come around soon enough. Just wait.

Is it really worth it to do this?
Yes, it is. I am someone who believes in having a years' supply of things your family needs on hand at your house in case of emergency. Doing this has enabled me to get a years' supply of toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, razors, feminine products, cleaning products, etc., for either free or next to nothing. It does require some work but yeah, it's really worth it. It's one of the ways I feel I am making money for my family. I was telling a friend recently that going down the hair care/ beauty and housecleaning aisles in the grocery stores used to stress me a bit when I would go grocery shopping. I knew that spending money on those things would eat a chunk out of my wallet, and take food off my table, but that we needed those things. Now, I hardly ever have to pay for them, and when I do, it's usually next to nothing! When these things are on a great sale and I have matching coupons, I stock up big and don't have to buy them until they are on another great coupon-matching sale!

I don't buy all the things I post about. I don't need all of them. I post them in case you might need them. All our needs are different. If you are new to this, start slow...get one paper, print a few off the internet, and try yourself out at one store until you feel you have got it figured out. (Like CVS or Walgreens). Try a few rebate items, send them in or do them over the internet. Once you get into it, you'll see for yourself how worth it it is. You'll find yourself getting as giddy as I do over some great deal and all the money you saved. You feel as if you hit the lottery or something!

Do remember if you have any questions, send me an email or comment and I will be happy to answer the best I can. I hope some of this helps you!

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